
Evoqua United States - Canada - EN

ATG UV™ Systems

  • About ATG UV Systems
  • Wafer™ UV Generator

Evoqua, one of the world leaders of environmentally friendly, chemical-free UV disinfection systems and water treatment packages.

A medium pressure UV systems with a unique UV chamber design, making it the most compact UV system available.

Evoqua has strived to define the market with innovative designs to provide effective and cost-efficient solutions for a range of municipal, aquatics and industrial industries and are committed to maintaining the high standards expected from a high-quality UV system supplier.

With industry regulations becoming more stringent and the increasing threat of chemically resistant strains of micro-organisms, it is important to choose a UV system manufacturer who you can trust. Offering state-of-the-art technology and a wealth of industry experience, Evoqua has the expertise to provide effective ultraviolet disinfection and treatment solutions for vast range of applications, treating flows up to 5,000 m3/hr in a single compact, high output UV system.

Since being founded in 1981, ATG UV has had tremendous growth and boasts thousands of installations worldwide. Everywhere you find UV disinfection requirements, you will find Evoqua leading the way.

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Contact Evoqua for information on available solutions.

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